How you can help the Cult of Free Inquiry.

Why The Cult of Free Inquiry needs to be established. 
 A Commentary has been written on the principles listed above. 
The Bulk of the Wealth of Humanity is intangible, informational, and cultural.
The value of  Art.
The Cult of Free Inquiry declares war on social relativism
The Cult of Free Inquiry is fanatically tolerant
The end point of  decadence.
"In your opinion" is not a refutation.
The Cult of Free Inquiry endorses strong, unescrowed, encryption
How you can  help the Cult of Free Inquiry.
You may already be an adherent of the Cult of Free Inquiry.
You may suggest changes to the Draft Fundamental Principles of the Cult of Free Inquiry and this home page by sending mail to Paul Elliott or by filling out the form below. You can also send me works which are in the spirit of the Cult. I will consider putting them on the Cult's Web page.

Cult of Free Inquiry Comment Form

Your name:

Email: (optional if you do not want a response from the cult.)

Address: (optional)

State: Country: Zip:

Primary phone: (optional)

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  • Also, register me as an adherent of the Cult of Free Inquiry. Anyone who agrees with the Draft Fundamental Principles (see below) is by definition an adherent of the Cult.
  • DO NOT register me as an adherent of the Cult of Free Inquiry.

Great is Truth, and none who are sincere need fear Her.

Cult of Free Inquiry Draft Fundamental Principles
  • Representations of truth and beauty have value.
  • The creation and spread of such representations does take place in social context. Common decency is needed to provide a favorable social context. However, unsound social justifications of false assertions should not be accepted as truth.
  • Peaceful discussion and debate between different, even contradictory points of view has often resulted in an advance in knowledge. Suppression of unwanted assertions has often hampered the advance of knowledge. Declarative questions must not be solved by an appeal to force.
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